ActionBar | |
ActionBar.OnActionBarListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a user is
interacting with an ActionBar . |
ActionBar.Type | The Type specifies the layout of the ActionBar. |
ActionBarActivity | Defines all methods related to Activities embedding an ActionBar |
ActionBarDrawable |
A specialized Drawable dedicated to |
ActionBarHost | |
ActionBarItem | Base class representing an ActionBarItem used in ActionBar s. |
ActionBarItem.Type | The Type specifies a large set of pre-defined ActionBarItem s that
may be added to an ActionBar . |
AsyncImageView |
A |
AsyncImageView.OnImageViewLoadListener | Clients may listen to AsyncImageView changes using a
AsyncImageView.OnImageViewLoadListener . |
ChainImageProcessor | Allows multiple image processors to be chained |
Config | Information about the current GreenDroid build. |
DescriptionItem | A description item displays a text on several lines. |
DescriptionItemView | View representation of the DescriptionItem . |
DrawableItem | A DrawableItem displays a single Drawable on the left of the itemview and a description text on the right. |
DrawableItemView | View representation of the DrawableItem . |
DrawableStateSet | A class defining some constants that may be used when working with stateful Drawable. |
GDActivity |
An GDActivity is a regular Activity that hosts an |
GDApplication | Define various methods that should be overridden in order to style your application. |
GDApplication.OnLowMemoryListener | Used for receiving low memory system notification. |
GDExpandableListActivity | A GDActivity equivalent to ExpandableListActivity that manages an
ExpandableListView. |
GDListActivity | An equivalent to ListActivity that manages a ListView. |
GDTabActivity | An equivalent to a TabActivity that manages fancy tabs and an
ActionBar |
GDUtils | Class that provides several utility methods related to GreenDroid. |
ImageCache | A very basing implementation of an Bitmap cache |
ImageLoader | An ImageLoader asynchronously loads image from a given url. |
ImageLoader.ImageLoaderCallback | |
ImageProcessor | An interface specifying a way to process an image prior storing it in the application-wide cache. |
ImageRequest | An ImageRequest may be used to request an image from the network. |
ImageRequest.ImageRequestCallback | |
Item | Base class for all items used in GreenDroid. |
ItemAdapter | A ListAdapter that acts like an ArrayAdapter. |
ItemView |
An ItemView defines several methods necessary to the |
LoaderActionBarItem | An extension of a NormalActionBarItem that supports a loading states. |
LongTextItem | A LongTextItem is very similar to a regular TextItem . |
LongTextItemView | View representation of the LongTextItem . |
MaskImageProcessor | An ImageProcessor that masks the given Bitmap according to a shape or
another Bitmap. |
Md5Util | A utility class for computing MD5 hashes. |
NormalActionBarItem | Default implementation of an ActionBarItem . |
PagedAdapter |
The base implementation of an Adapter to use with a |
PagedView | A View that shows items in a "paged" manner. |
PagedView.OnPagedViewChangeListener | Clients may listen to changes occurring on a PagedView via this interface. |
PageIndicator | Visual indicator of a paged content. |
PageIndicator.DotType | Interface containing of dot types supported by the PageIndicator class. |
ProgressItem | Progress indicator that displays a centered text with a circular and indeterminate ProgressBar when something is in progress. |
ProgressItemView | View representation of the ProgressItem . |
QuickAction | A QuickAction implements an item in a QuickActionWidget . |
QuickActionBar | A QuickActionBar displays a set of QuickAction on a single row. |
QuickActionGrid | A QuickActionGrid is an implementation of a QuickActionWidget
that displays QuickAction s in a grid manner. |
QuickActionWidget | Abstraction of a QuickAction wrapper. |
QuickActionWidget.OnQuickActionClickListener | Interface that may be used to listen to clicks on quick actions. |
R | |
R.anim | |
R.attr | |
R.color | |
R.dimen | |
R.drawable | | | |
R.layout | |
R.string | | | |
R.styleable |
ScaleImageProcessor | Scales Bitmaps according to a given width and height. |
SegmentedAdapter | A SegmentedAdapter is a data source of a SegmentedHost/SegmentedHost. |
SegmentedBar | A SegmentedBar displays a set of Buttons. |
SegmentedBar.OnSegmentChangeListener | Clients may use this listener to be notified of any changes that occurs on the SegmentBar |
SegmentedHost | A SegmentedHost is a wrapper view that handle a SegmentedBar and a FrameLayout that hold the content. |
SeparatorItem | Act as a separator between important ListView sections. |
SeparatorItemView | View representation of the SeparatorItem . |
SubtextItem |
A SubtextItem is really similar to a |
SubtextItemView | View representation of the SubtextItem . |
SubtitleItem | An Item that contains two Strings : a text and a subtitle. |
SubtitleItemView | View representation of the SubtitleItem . |
TextItem | A TextItem is a very basic item that only contains a single text. |
TextItemView | View representation of the TextItem . |
ThumbnailItem | A ThumbnailItem item is a complex item that wraps a Drawable and two Strings: a title and a subtitle. |
ThumbnailItemView | View representation of the ThumbnailItem . |
Time | Utility class containing several useful constants related to time. |