public class


extends Object
   ↳ greendroid.util.Time

Class Overview

Utility class containing several useful constants related to time.


long GD_DAY The number of milliseconds in a day.
long GD_HOUR The number of milliseconds in an hour.
long GD_MINUTE The number of milliseconds in a minute.
long GD_SECOND The number of milliseconds in a second.
long GD_WEEK The number of milliseconds in a week.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final long GD_DAY

The number of milliseconds in a day.

Constant Value: 86400000 (0x0000000005265c00)

public static final long GD_HOUR

The number of milliseconds in an hour.

Constant Value: 3600000 (0x000000000036ee80)

public static final long GD_MINUTE

The number of milliseconds in a minute.

Constant Value: 60000 (0x000000000000ea60)

public static final long GD_SECOND

The number of milliseconds in a second.

Constant Value: 1000 (0x00000000000003e8)

public static final long GD_WEEK

The number of milliseconds in a week.

Constant Value: 604800000 (0x00000000240c8400)